Today's motif is a bit different from past Mondays because it's an animal! Things were getting boring doing a square every week so I decided to branch out. I took pictures of a few of the steps and also some close-ups. I'm going to post those all first and then I'll talk about the awesomeness of this motif and the designer, Chinami Horiba.
Pretty neat, right? You should see how the designer intended it to look. I used a much thicker yarn than called for, so here's a link to her blog post about it. It's in Japanese so you may not be able to read it. Google does a translation for you, but it's not that great. The cool thing is she does diagrams so you don't need to know Japanese to make her motifs. Here's a link to her Facebook page and here's a link to her Ravelry page. Chinami is a genius when it comes to yarn. She always seems to have every aspect in mind; texture, flow, and even sunlight. I wish I spoke Japanese so I could tell her how amazing I think her designs are. I hope you decide to check them out and make a few for yourself.
Is there a written pattern? Very hard to understand the diagram